Half of Filipino Employees Prioritize and Endorse Workplace Flexibility

Half of Filipino Employees Prioritize and Endorse Workplace Flexibility

Due to a multitude of factors, such as the pandemic and ever-evolving societal norms, the landscape of work has undergone a significant transformation and continues to evolve as the days go by. The days of businesses operating exclusively onsite—save for a select few requiring complete physical presence—are largely behind us. Instead, many organizations now embrace remote or hybrid work setups.

Cisco's survey reveals that the Philippines ranks second in the Asia-Pacific region in terms of employers mandating a full return to the office post-pandemic, with 46% of companies requiring in-person work for productivity reasons. India leads with 49%, while Taiwan is the most progressive, with only 13 percent mandating office returns.

The survey indicates that 65%of regional companies believe office work boosts productivity and facilitates team communication and leadership response. However, there's a growing preference for hybrid work, especially among new-generation talents.

In the Philippines, over a third of employers anticipate the rise of hybrid workers within two years, citing benefits to well-being, savings, and productivity. Yet, there are concerns about office readiness for this shift, with only half of Filipino employees feeling their workplace is prepared for hybrid setups.

Employees are advocating for workspace reorganization and digital tool upgrades both in-office and at home to meet post-pandemic work needs. Cisco surveyed 7,550 workers and 1,650 employers across Asia-Pacific, focusing on the risks and opportunities of hybrid work.

Different Work-Setups

  1. Onsite: Traditional office-based work requiring physical presence during regular hours. Promotes effective communication, collaboration, and strong relationships among coworkers.
  2. Hybrid: Combines remote and office-based work. Offers flexibility to split time between home and office, providing the benefits of both remote and onsite work.
  3. Work from Home (WFH): Remote work using company-approved tools. Offers flexibility for work-life balance, saves time and expenses, and enhances productivity. Remote work eliminates the need for a physical office space.

While individuals may have strong preferences regarding their work environment, what they most truly desire is the flexibility afforded by these varied setups. The challenges posed by the pandemic not only tested our resilience but also unveiled opportunities for the future of work. We discovered that productivity can thrive outside traditional office settings, with many individuals achieving optimal performance from the comfort of their homes. 

Additionally, the global nature of remote work has opened doors to talent from diverse geographical locations, allowing organizations to tap into a pool of skilled professionals worldwide who can match or exceed the capabilities of local team members.

According to FlexJobs, having a flexible work setup provides several benefits to employees AND employers. 

Here are six benefits of offering workplace flexibility:

  1. Increased Productivity: Providing workplace flexibility can lead to heightened efficiency and output from employees due to tailored schedules or remote work options.
  2. Less stressed employees: Flexible work arrangements can alleviate stress levels by accommodating individual needs, resulting in improved mental well-being among staff. 
  3. Decreased absenteeism: Offering flexibility encourages better work-life balance, reducing the likelihood of employees taking unplanned absences or sick days. 
  4. Healthier and happier employees: Flexibility promotes employee satisfaction and better physical health by allowing for time to engage in self-care activities and reducing the strain of commuting. 
  5. Cost savings: Flexible arrangements, such as remote work, can lead to reduced overhead costs for office space and utilities, contributing to financial savings for the organization. 
  6. Increased trust: Granting flexibility demonstrates trust in employees' ability to manage their responsibilities effectively, fostering a positive work culture built on mutual respect and accountability.

Final Thoughts

Finding a balance between company interests and employee preferences is key. Taking the time to listen to your employees' wishes or acknowledge their unique circumstances enables you to foster a positive work environment that benefits all stakeholders involved.

A happy and comfortable workforce is more inclined to go the extra mile, contributing to overall productivity and success.

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