transforming with AI

Insights from companies who transformed recruitment with Curious Thing

AI in recruitment is not just an emerging trend but a new way of life in the talent attraction space but not all companies and recruitment teams are ready to integrate technology into their current strategy and overall work design. How can we help increase the readiness and confidence of HR professionals when it comes to using AI based technologies? Our answer is simple, and that is to provide the value of AI in recruitment that goes beyond automation and being able to replace specific tasks. 


To see this in action, here are three insights we can gain from companies who evolved and transformed their recruitment with Curious Thing AI. 


  • Leveraging on data can help set a benchmark for your ideal candidate pool 


Black Sheep Capital, one of Australia’s most experienced early stage startup investors, used conversational AI phone interview to screen a high volume of applicants and arrive at the right hire through data-driven decision making. 


In their search for a venture analyst, the company needed to tap into Curious Thing’s AI candidate assessments to help screen 1,500 applicants and set a benchmark on how their ideal candidate pool would look like. Their team was very strategic in deciding where to place the technology in their hiring process. After candidates have gone through the first step which was to use a chatbot to engage with all candidates, they integrated Curious Thing into the next step which allowed candidates to go through a phone interview process using Conversational AI. 


After receiving the results, they made use of data scores related to lifelong learning, adaptivity and problem solving which helped them reduce the number of qualified applicants from 100 to 25. Not only that, the team leveraged on data from this hiring process to set a benchmark for their future hiring decisions and behavior. 


Read more about their journey here 


  • Using AI in recruitment can help remove inherent biases in the hiring process 


New Zealand based full service telecommunications company, 2degrees tapped into Curious Thing to save 23 hours of work from the team and eliminate inherent biases in their recruitment process. 


Given their solid reputation as a leading telecommunications company, it is not a surprise that one job post alone would attract a large volume of applicants. In return, their recruitment teams are faced with a challenge to screen each and every candidate while accomplishing other tasks. Thanks to discovering Curious Thing, their recruitment team was able to save 23 hours of work and not only that, the use of the technology helped broaden the scope of candidates considered for the role. Applicant CVs were no longer a basis for decision making during the screening process and having a more efficient strategy enabled them to increase their conversion rate by 10%.


Read their full story here 

  • Measuring key behavioral traits with the help of AI can help find the best fit 


Thanks to the continuous improvement of recruitment technologies, the ability to measure key behavioral traits needed for a role is made possible through a simple assessment using conversational AI. This is how Racing and Wagering Western Australia (RWWA) was able to screen key behavioral attributes early in their recruitment process. 


RWWA tapped into Curious Thing to achieve their goal of improving their overall candidate experience and it turns out that they saw another added value of the technology which was the ability to qualify candidates based on its ability to measure key behavioral attributes that are best suited for a specific role. Their team was quite impressed with how Curious Thing AI asked questions and analyzed answers that helped the team make quality shortlists. 


As a result, they were able to measure the candidate’s adaptive and collaborative traits and further validated the data through follow up interviews. With outstanding ROI and proven benefits, the company continues to create an amplified experience both for their recruitment teams and applicants. 


Learn more from RWWA’s story here


Choosing to integrate AI in your recruitment process and evaluating the team’s readiness is not an easy task. The key is to identify challenges that need to be addressed and evaluate technologies that can deliver your desired results. We hope that you were able to have an idea on how to get started with AI in recruitment and find the value-added benefits of technologies like Curious Thing AI through actual stories of companies like Black Sheep, 2degrees and RWWA. 


To witness AI or Curious Thing in action, feel free to schedule a discovery meeting with our Viventis Career Technology experts: 


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